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What types of Mystery Guest Researches are there?
There is a very wide range of researches. We can best classify them into three broad categories: for customers, for employees and for others. The latter is more about quality audits, candidate experience and discrimination surveys. > All surveys > Read more
Is Mystery Guest Research also used for online journeys?
Absolutely. An online customer shops differently compared to a customer in a physical shop. Online Mystery Shopping exposes the bottlenecks in your webshop, so that you can improve the online experience. The entire buyer journey is measured, up to and including the return of the purchase.
How do Customer Journeys and Mystery Guest Research go together?
In a Mystery Guest Research, we go through all the steps of the Customer Journey. At each step we measure how this step contributes to an excellent Customer Experience. Unique to our method is the ExperienceCapture in which conscious and subconscious emotions are recorded for each step.
What criteria determine the cost of a good Mystery Guest Research?
Each research consists of Project Management, Briefing, Execution & Reporting. The cost for execution is the biggest part. This cost is influenced by the number of measurements to be performed, the complexity and length of the assignment and the profile of the Mystery Shopper. > More information
What is the impact of Mystery Guest Research on CX and EX?
Thanks to the innovative reporting tools and the frequency of the measurements, you gain insight into the results in order to subsequently formulate action-oriented conclusions. Your impact will be: higher customer and employee satisfaction and higher turnover.
Can I monitor the results during the Mystery Guest Research?
The results are brought together in a visual and user-friendly dashboard. The results and progress can therefore be followed live. You can consult the dashboard on desktop, tablet or mobile and that you can export the reports. Read more >
How do I get the right insights from the many data and data sources?
Many companies collect more and more data from their customers. This concerns data from their own systems as well as data from external (research) partners. Excap can help to connect these different data sources so that overarching insights arise to realise a final impact.
What practical examples are there?
Every week we publish new insights on Customer Experience and Employee Experience. We find it important to share our own expertise with our network. Or we let excap's ambassadors have their say: satisfied customers with whom we made a real impact.
Does excap Mystery Guest Research also take place outside the Benelux?
Definitely! Thanks to our extensive network of partners and years of experience with international projects, we carry out Mystery Guest Research all over Europe (and beyond) and also Audits, Customer Journey Research, Consultancy and Qualitative Research. > To find out more
How can I research the Employee Experience?
Employee Experience is measured within different groups of employees, investigating different departments. Such a survey > research usually takes place once per quarter, but ideally every fortnight. In this way, progress and policy can be monitored and adjusted immediately.
Why is the feedback from mystery shoppers reliable?
Our mystery shoppers receive an extensive briefing before the start of their assignment so that they are always well prepared. The number of assignments per mystery shopper is limited in order to guarantee quality. On top, there's an internal control before the delivery of the final results.
Who are the mystery shoppers from excap and how big is our database?
Our database of over 5000 mystery shoppers consists of very different people. From young to old, from make-up lovers and handymen to teachers and engineers. Our mystery shoppers are carefully selected by our recruitment team. Read more >
Can I ask an additional question?
Of course. Ask your question by using the contact form and you will receive an answer as soon as possible. > Contact us